Photo of Vishvaa Rajakumar

Konstantin Skudler


World Ranking: 18

Birthday: 29.01.1999

Location: Berlin, Germany

Active since: 2004

2-digits, 1-card

Locations: 1 image/location


Born in 1999, Konstantin Skudler from Berlin, Germany, embarked on his memory sports journey at the remarkable age of five. This early start means he has been involved in memory sports for almost his entire life, making his journey through all age categories a particularly unique achievement globally. His commitment to the discipline of memory sports is matched by his academic pursuits as a PhD student in Physics.

Konstantin’s hobbies, ranging from karate to piano and choir singing, reflect a life dedicated to learning and self-improvement. His early success in memory sports, including becoming a children’s TV star following his victory in the junior world memory championship and multiple TV appearances, has made him a well-known figure in the memory sports world.

His long-standing involvement in memory sports is evident in his use of the same systems he developed as a young beginner. Winning from a young age and the subsequent attention and expectations have provided Konstantin with invaluable experiences in handling both success and the challenges of competitive environments. These lessons have been integral to his development both in memory sports and in his personal life.



1 st Memory League World Championship Qualification

Junior World Champion and 2 x Kids World Champion (Traditional format)

4 x German Kids and 2 x German Junior Champion (Traditional format)

8 x North German Champion (All age groups)

Winner of Scandinavia Open Memory League Championship 2019






50,43 s

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28 Names

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20,46 s

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18 Names

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49 Words

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